The Later Hypothesis
in memoriam R.H.S. Carpenter, 1945 - 2017
That would whatever will be
harmonious with the law of rock,
the lay of the beach,
a beautiful wave.
Maybe, but,
Maybe, but,
thought Carp, no sea bass,
It appears to me,
It appears to me,
the big balls of heavy cloud
and all this friction in the air
and all this friction in the air
will no doubt evolve today.
As for language and other species,
just keep swimming,
As for language and other species,
just keep swimming,
not as a practitioner but as a goldfish,
the trailing a healthy brown
in paradoxes of clear water.
Having said that, Carp dove deeper,
in paradoxes of clear water.
Having said that, Carp dove deeper,
all positive thinking metonymically trapped
in the shipwreck dilemma.
in the shipwreck dilemma.
Mermaids in bathing suits
are as they are,
splashing gracefully.
It is, at bottom,
the style that counts.
One could conceive,
the style that counts.
One could conceive,
Carp being all the physiologist
the Cambridge chair
was cracked up to be.
was cracked up to be.