Being What It Is
Context and semantics
of proteins like you and I,
of proteins like you and I,
shaping heart and pancreas,
liver and death,
slowly evolving tortoise,
slowly evolving pleasure of pain
like you and I, conduct
a deeply symmetry-breaking process
in the mouth,
out of the pancreas,
shaping context and orgasm.
A molecule motor is a molecule
in mouth mucus generation
in mouth mucus generation
that will change
you and me
into signal transduction circuitry,
flowing this way
and this way again,
in the fabric of our internal organs.
Packaged in righteous little parcels,
what will grow,
the meaning of all this,
shaping heart and soul.
The being-multiple gives us
a roof for the night for the whole of all,
a roof for the night for the whole of all,
sort of said Li Po,
time flies and space mosquitoes,
many eternal returns
and so
the singular-continuous is,
but nowhere differentiable,
a lovely saddle-node bifurcation,
a lovely
cacophonic event.